Helping restaurants thrive



Righteous Eats started in 2020 as a way to highlight restaurants that weren't receiving press coverage or government assistance during the pandemic. Today our singular obsession today is to do whatever we can to make things easier for restaurants and small businesses.

Righteous Eats started in 2020 as a way to highlight restaurants that weren't receiving press coverage or government assistance during the pandemic. Today our singular obsession today is to do whatever we can to make things easier for restaurants and small businesses.




1. Be a champ for the underdog

2. Always pay for the meals

3. Build in public

1. Be a champ for the underdog

2. Always pay for the meals

3. Build in public

1. Be a champ for the underdog
We're advocating for mom & pop, immigrant, minority, & BIPOC owned businesses.

2. Always pay for the meals
Equity is essential. We're here to put money in not take money out.

3. No paid features
We don't accept money from restaurants.

4. Build in public
We'll always communicate about our plans, partnerships, events, and mistakes.

5. Respect the details
Never separate the food from the people and culture it comes from.

6. Representation Matters
We feature people from various backgrounds, intentionally.

4. Respect the details

5. Representation matters

6. No Paid Features

Want To Know Every Eatery We've Highlighted?

Want To Know Every Eatery We've Highlighted?

Want To Know Every Eatery We've Highlighted?


Righteous Eats is a Flavor Thing incubated company.

Righteous Eats© | 500 7th Ave New York, NY 10018

© Righteous Eats. 2023